Admission for international students POLI/UPE

Announcement, Call for Applications, Forms, Mobility, Public Notice / 2023-08-14

It is a pleasure to inform you that the Polytechnic School of the University of Pernambuco is open to receive international mobility students for the next semester.

This is our first post-pandemic action to resume with great strength and enthusiasm the international exchanges that have always brought a valuable cultural and knowledge exchange between our universities.

This CALL for MOB-IN email will be a constant in the coming semesters, with which we will keep our partners informed of the application dates for nominated students.

For the next semester (2023s2) we will have the following deadlines:

* Nominations by 4/Sep/2023 must be sent by email to, containing full name, institutional email, passport number or other document.
* Once nominated, students will receive a link to the registration MOB-IN form, which must be completed by 11/Sep/2023
* Start of classes: 16/Oct/2023
* End of classes: 23/Mar/2024

If you, dear partner, or the nominated students, have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Thank you for your attention and effort, and we are at your disposal for any further information.