Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Publish in 2023-12-13 by

Categories: Announcement, News

A equipe ARI/POLI deseja um feliz natal e um próspero ano novo a todos nossos parceiros, alunos e familiares! The ARI/POLI team wishes a merry Christmas and a happy new year to all our partners, students and families! IIl team ARI/POLI augura un felice Natale e un prospero anno nuovo a tutti i nostri collaboratori, […]


Publish in 2023-07-17 by

Categories: Announcement, News, Projects

Do you enjoy languages and are you interested in participating in a project with this theme? The International Relations Office of the Polytechnic University of Pernambuco (ARI/POLI) is announcing its new project, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Ruben Carlo Benante: the Paroleco Language Exchange Club (PLEC). Paroleco is a group with set of topics […]

EIFFEL SCHOLARSHIP – ENIM – Call for applications 2021-2022

Publish in 2020-10-28 by

Categories: Announcement, News

”We invite you to read the attached documents regarding the EIFFEL scholarship program 2021-2022: ·         – A letter presenting the launch of the EIFFEL program for the 2021-2022 academic year, ·         – A CV template in French and English, ·         – The EIFFEL application evaluation sheet, used by members of the CampusFrance selection committee in 2014, This year, the application form will be directly filled on Campus […]

Tracking towards climate

Publish in 2020-09-02 by

Categories: Announcement, News

Please join us for the next peer forum, A new system launches: Tracking towards climate goals across Mexico, where GIZ and SEMARNAT will discuss with us an exciting new emissions tracking system they have developed. The session will take place next week, on Wednesday, 9 September, 2020, from 1-2:30pm Brasília | 5-6:30pm CEST. Peer forum description: Regional emissions tracking efforts […]

Applications for the International Doctoral Programme in Sustainable Built Environment – University of Minho

Publish in 2020-07-15 by

Categories: Announcement, News

The applications for the International Doctoral Programme (PhD) in Sustainable Built Environment will be open between July 10 to 30, 2020. The main goal of the International Doctoral Programme is to provide a high level specialized advanced training in order to develop in the doctoral candidates the ability to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in […]

A letter to our patners

Publish in 2020-07-15 by

Categories: Announcement, News

Dear partners, We are reaching you to provide updates regarding the preventive measures that Brazil continues to put into practice. Even though some sectors have already started the process of reopening, face-to-face classes at our institutions of higher and basic education remain suspended. The situation in Brazil still requires a lot of caution. Unfortunately, the […]

A letter to our patners about COVID-19

Publish in 2020-03-19 by

Categories: News

Dear partners, We are contacting you to update you on the recent preventive measures that Brazil has adopted.  This week, government authorities have decided to close schools, Higher Education Institutions and cancel / postpone events with agglomerations, as well as canceling some international flights. The University of Pernambuco, in solidarity with the current situation, is […]

UPE e Santander oferecem seis oportunidades para o Programa de Bolsas 2020

Publish in 2020-02-28 by

Categories: Uncategorized

A Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE) formalizou, no dia 17/02, convênio com o Santander Universidades para participação no “Programa de Bolsas 2020” com a ampliação do número de bolsas. ​ Nesta edição, o programa oferece à Universidade três bolsas “Ibero-Americanas” e três bolsas “Santander Graduação-2° semestre”. ​ A gerente comercial do Santander Universidades, Marina Tavares, veio pessoalmente à […]

Abertas inscrições para pré-seleção de mobilidade out

Publish in 2020-02-20 by

Categories: Uncategorized

Pré-seleção para oportunidades de intercâmbio À comunidade, A escola Politécnica de Pernambuco através da Assessoria de Relações Internacionais da POLI, Gostaria de informar que estão abertas diversas possibilidades de auxilio para intercambio com diferentes universidades conveniadas. Para mais informações, por favor, visite a nossa aba de Documentos e confira a carta!

Inscrições para bolsas de intercâmbio no Canadá estão abertas

Publish in 2020-02-12 by

Categories: Uncategorized

Estão abertas, até o dia 22/03, as inscrições para concorrer a bolsa de estudos Emerging Leaders of the Americas Program (Elap) em Universidades canadenses. ​ As bolsas, que são destinadas aos alunos da graduação e pós-graduação (mestrado e doutorado) da América Latina, para todas as áreas do conhecimento, têm duração de quatro e seis meses […]